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Addsure’s webinar pages host recordings from some of our best webinars and also presentations as guest speakers on our colleague’s webinars.

Includes slides and links where appropriate.

Addsure is an authorised financial services provider FSP 15269

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Understanding shared property ownership

Abrie Snyman of Multiprof leads this interesting discussion on the bad brother in ​sectional title, duet schemes! Abrie opens with an easy to understand ​perspective. Expert community scheme legal consultant Johlene Wasserman of ​Jw Consultants follows through with some legal thoughts and compliance ​matters. Mike Addison of Addsure explains how this should be dealt with from an ​insurance perspective and Willie Roos of Stratafin rounds off discussion with ​more legal thoughts in the matter.

JUNE 2024


The risks schemes face in 2024

With regard to insurance, many schemes have recently been met with: - cancelled policies, stricter terms, non-renewal, higher premiums, and onerous excess structures. Mike Addison of Addsure provides some insight into the current sectional title insurance market and offers guidance on how managing agents and trustees can best deal with the status quo.

APRIL 2024


Unveiling the risk:

Trustees navigating schemes towards insolvency

Could body corporate trustees be unwittingly steering their schemes towards insolvency? While a scheme might seem to be operating smoothly on the surface, a closer look at its records could reveal a different reality. This insightful webinar featured Alistair Scholtz from PKF Octagon and Mike Addison from Addsure. They shed light on why trustees may not fully grasp the legal implications of handling financing arrears and renovation projects. Mounting debt levels are pushing schemes dangerously close to insolvency as they resort to borrowing without anticipating special levies. Regrettably, the path to financial recovery is often fraught with challenges.

APRIL 2024